Friday, October 3, 2008

either or neither?

good luck,.. or just plain miracle?
i'm still in shock and in doubtof what happened this day.
maybe what they saw and heard was really the real thing.
but, there's still a part of me that tells me that there's something wrong that had happened,
and there's a part that tells me that we deserved it.

whatever it is, i know there's a good reason about what had happened this day,
plain luck and,... yes, a miracle..

maybe what i did was right.

i didn't expect anything in return. i, including my group, just did what we feel that's right. we did it not to win but to just enjoy the performance. that's it! we're not up to the prize or anything tangible,.. what we wanted was to do it for ourselves and to prove that we can do ut as much as anybody can^^,

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